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Save Image

This node saves its input to an image output. By default, this works in coordination with the Render/Export functionality, only saving out images when you choose File > Render.

Here's how that works:

  • Add a "Save Image" node to the end of your node chain.
  • In the properties, select the output folder.
  • Optionally, change the filename template. The ##### will be replaced with the sequence number, e.g. image-#####.png will turn into image-00001.png, image-00002.png, and so on.
  • Go to File > Render, choose the amount of frames and frame rate.
  • This will render out the "save image" node


  • Enable When to save the images. By default, images are saved when rendering/exporting. Change this to "always" to also save images during normal operation. Note that this can slow down the network. Change this to "never" to disable the export.
  • Folder Folder to image sequence
  • Template Image filename template. The ##### will be replaced with the sequence number, e.g. image-#####.png will turn into image-00001.png, image-00002.png, and so on.